Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dragon Age live-action show announced

Bioware and Electronic Arts have announced a new live-action online show called Dragon Age: Redemption to celebrate the launch of Dragon Age 2. 

The six-episode series will be released exclusively online and will star Dr Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog as both lead actress and scriptwriter. 

Day, who has already written and starred in game-based series such as The Guild, will play an Elven assassin called Tallis who goes on a quest to capture a renegade wizard. 

'Tallis is headstrong, she fights dirty, and she has a really sarcastic sense of humor,' Day told USA Today. 'I wanted to bring a modern sensibility to a fantasy character in a fantasy world.'

Filmed last month in LA, Dragon Age: Redemption saw Day collaborating with Independance Day associate producer Peter Winther and Lost cinematographer John Bartley. 

You can check out Bit-Gamer's Dragon Age 2 preview for more information on the game, which launches March 8th.


Monday, January 10, 2011

IRL Hacks: Invisible Tanks on the Battlefield.

Armoured vehicles will use a new technology known as "e-camouflage" which deploys a form "electronic ink" to render a vehicle "invisible".

Highly sophisticated electronic sensors attached to the tank's hull will project images of the surrounding environment back onto the outside of the vehicle enabling it to merge into the landscape and evade attack.

The electronic camouflage will enable the vehicle to blend into the surrounding countryside in much the same way that a squid uses ink to help as a disguise.

Unlike conventional forms of camouflage, the images on the hull would change in concert with the changing environment always insuring that the vehicle remains disguised.